
Synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals

We synthesize colloidal inorganic nanocrystals (NCs) with a range of compositions, sizes, and shapes. NCs—the fundamental building blocks of our research—exhibit fascinating properties: some emit light brightly, others conduct electricity well, and some serve as efficient light channels.

Ligand chemistry

We design ligands for nanocrystals. Ligands, which are ions or molecules that bind to the surface of nanocrystals, play a significant role in controlling the behavior and functionality of the nanocrystals. We are particularly interested in studying the interactions of these ligands with external stimuli such as light and heat.

Assembly of nanocrystals 

We assemble nanocrystals into microscopic 2D and 3D structures. This is essentially like "painting" tiny pictures using nanocrystal "ink". But we are not just making pretty pictures—assembling nanocrystals allows them to be used in practical devices such as color displays and camera sensors. Additionally, we are interested in assembling multiple types of nanocrystals to study their interactions and collective behavior.